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Now the utilization of vegetable waste is not high, most of all was burned and thrown away, not only wasting a huge resource but also causing environmental problems. To increasing the utilization of vegetable waste is an urgent problem, composting of vegetable wastes not only meets the needs of organic agriculture on manure, but also can solve vegetable waste pollution. This paper was studied the effects of different raw material ratios on composting, and discussed the effects of different microbial agents on vegetable wastes composting process and the impacts on soil. The results of this study are as follows:
     1. Effect of different raw materials ratios on composting.The best ratios of raw material on composting of vegetable waste are vegetable waste: straw: pig manure or cattle manure in the 10:40:50~20:30:50. After 30 days of composting, the mixed waste can be effectively fermented into maturity well as raw materials for further processing or soil amendments.
     Through the analysis of physical and chemical properties of compost, the results showed that the pig manure treatment is better than cattle manure treatment in the pH, EC, the value of T, TN and available P. But the cattle manure treatment is better in OM, available K.
     2. The composting dynamics and effect of different microbial agents treaetments on composting.CB, MY, QL and VT agent were respectively inoculated into the mixture of vegetable wastes, straw and Pig or cattle manure (20:30:50, w: w: w) before composting. After 42 days, the raw materials of four kinds of microbial agents’treatments got into good organic fertilization. QL agent treatment had decreased the organic matter content by 24.1% than beginning. The decomposition of organic matter on QL agent treatment is the largest in four treatments.The total carbon and C/N of QL treatment are the lowest treatment, of 26.72% and 11.9.
     3. Effect of different treatments on the physical and chemical properties of soil. In trial, the physical properties of soil on each treatment had improved than before the test. The effects of C and S treatments, there were no significant differences in decreasing soil pH and bulk density and increasing soil porosity and CEC. And the effect of C treatment P is better than S treatment in increasing soil available. This showed that the vegetable waste compost is reached the commercial requirements.
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