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For half of century, being the important sustentation and foundation in China’s national economy, the state-owned economy has been played an important role in Chinese economic construction and social development. Accompanied by the deepening of market economy system in China’s socialism, some problems, such as the state-owned economy’s distribution being unduly wide, the structure of industrial distribution and firm’s organization being unreasonable, the firm’s main business being not prominent, the firm’s core competition being not powerful, and so on, all these problems constrain the exertion of the state-owned economy on the national economy’s sustentation and foundation. It is an important task in China’s economic system reform that China carries out the strategic adjustment of distribution and structure in the state-owned economy, and China improves the mechanism in which the state-owned capital can enter and exit freely, flow reasonably.
     As the important economic center in the northern region, Tianjin is being at the important and new ascending moments, following the development and openness of Coastal New Area. Facing the hard-won historical chance at Tianjin’s new development stage, how Tianjin should boost the strategic adjustment of distribution and structure in the state-owned economy to make the state-owned economy play the better role in supporting, driving and affecting Tianjin’s national economy. This paper puts forward the following arguments: (1) the state-owned capital should concentrate into the key fields and important industries that support the national economy and social development in Tianjin, and concentrate into the state-owned large-scale enterprises, and concentrate into the core business in the state-owned enterprises. (2) Optimizing the distribution and exerting the control power of the state-owned capital through shrinking the distributional span horizontally and shortening the distributional class of the state-owned capital vertically, respectively.(3)forcing the state-owned enterprises to construct running mechanism that better matches market by optimizing the property right structure and improving the working efficiency of the state-owned enterprises.
     Based on the definition of the state-owned economy, the state-owned assets and the state-owned enterprises, this paper first analyses status quo of the state-owned economy in Tianjin. Then, this paper discusses the necessity and the important point of distribution and structural adjustment of the state-owned economy. Finally, this paper puts forward the main tasks and overall assumption, and studies the adjustment keystone and adopting policy about the industries that the state-owned economy should concentrate in Tianjin.
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