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Look back to the nearly 20 years development of Chinese tourism industry, its characteristics can be summarized as: opening degree becoming stronger ,comprehensive quality increasing significantly, demand aspect increasingly diverse, stability gradually increasing, deepening cooperation in tourism, red tourism being produced increasingly, institutions innovating unceasingly. It also shows ten aspects on the main global trends in tourism development which are opportunities, health, personality , diversity ,industry , science and technology , information , technology , competition and cooperation, experience and internationalization. So, tourism development has entered a new stage.
     However, the development of Chinese tourism industry can be used in“scattered, small, weak, and poor”to describe its current situation. The so-called“scattered”can be interpreted as a decentralize operation, loose industrial chain, shortage of business linkages and weak integration capability. The so-called“small”means serious enterprises' disorderly competition and cooperation mechanism having not yet formed , industrial division's deepening and enterprises' behavior of rent-seeking being not obvious that the tourism industry gathering in the external connection that result in the more extensive enterprises development and small tourism industry in scale . The so-called“weak”refers to the business development at a disadvantage because of weak ability to resist risks and market competition. The so-called“poor”means low economic efficiency. To enhance and maintain the tourism industry's sustainable competition advantage , it is necessary to change the“scattered , small , weak , and poor”to the“tight , big , strong , and high”. The tourism destination need to actively explore a new, long-time tourism industry development strategies and economic organization model, while the industry cluster provides a new and innovative thinking space for the tourism industry.
     The concept of“Industry Cluster”is presented officially by the United States , professor Porter's in School of Business in 1990“Competition Advantage of Nations”, and it was raised to the height of enhancing the competitiveness of a country . As a new form of economic organization, it has caused the field of management, economic geography, economics, and sociology scholars' strong interest. On the other hand, because industry cluster is a space organization forms of economic activity which has unique structure, operational mechanisms and evolution law. The other hand, it has special economic efficiency, and especially in the regional economic development and regions' participating in global competition, it has demonstrated a strong vitality and competitiveness. A growing number of countries and regions in the world are regarding cultivating cluster and to promote its development as an important means to raise national and regional economic development competitiveness. The international institutions such as the United Nations, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the World Bank are actively promoting industrial cluster strategies and policies' practice in the areas of developing countries' public policy.
     Industry cluster studies mostly concentrates in the filed of manufacturing and hi-and new-tech industries. As an important component part of the service business, the tourism industry can whether be suitable studied with the industry cluster theory, which has caused the academic and political circles' wide concern. The author believes that the industry cluster is very inclusive as a methodology .It is not only applied to manufacturing and high wages technology industries, and also to non-manufacturing fields, particularly the tourism industry. On the basis of review about tourism cluster study progress , the paper focuses on spatial cultivation of tourism cluster ,and studies tourism industry of Sanmenxia City ,and attempts to explore the micro-level space tourism cluster development mode. This paper is divided into seven parts:
     Part one: introduction. The paper made background analysis from the tourism industry practice and the tourism cluster phenomenon , expounded the meaning and purpose of this paper , and designed research methods and technical lines , finally pointed out the paper's draft innovation .
     Part two: summary of research. The paper provided a comprehensive analysis and commentaries on the basis of the literature collection of tourism cluster at home and abroad.
     Part three: the basic theory of tourism cluster. Based on the analysis of the tourism industry's characteristics, the paper described its meaning and competitive advantage, and discussed preliminary theory of its mechanisms of the dynamic evolution.
     Part four: Sanmenxia City tourism industry development process and the status quo. The paper recalled the progress of tourism industry evolution, and analyzed the status of the tourism industry and the poor”necessity of tourism cluster cultivation, and based on the“diamond model”theory, the paper analyzed the feasibility of tourism cluster cultivation.
     Part five: Sanmenxia city tourism industry cluster distribution. The paper Summarized the principles, ideas, and the layout of tourism cluster cultivation of Sanmenxia City, and discussed the different types of space development model. Part six: the government's role of tourism cluster cultivation. The paper focuses on the government's the role in tourism cluster spatial cultivation.
     Part seven: the paper summarized the main study conclusions and pointed out the tourism cluster study direction and content to continue to be explored.
1 http://www.clusterstudy.com
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