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The water pollution is one of the most serious water environmental questions which our country faces, although the water pollution preventing and controlling work has made certain progress, the water environment situation is still extremely stern. Therefore, the strengthened water quality management, the preventing and controlling water pollution are urgent duty of our country environmental protection.As the modernized tool of collecting, memoring, managing, the applicating and analyzing the geographical information, GIS has become important tool on managing and utilizing the space position related information resource and on the promotion of society sustainable development. Therefor, unifing the GIS and the water quality information management is the trend of water quality management .
     comGIS is the new generation of GIS acommodating the software module tidal current. Its appearance has provided the GIS development with formidable propelling force, brought the huge influence for the entire GIS technology system and the application pattern.
     Precisely under such background, using VB6.0 as the development platform, through embedding GIS module - MapObject2.3 and the water quality appraisal models, this article has constructed the C/S structure Jilin Province water quality management information system. The backstage spacial database based on SQLServer2000 +ArcSde8.3, which has realized the seamless integration of spatial data and the attribute data,and therefor guaranteed the system efficiency and security.This system has realized the majority of GIS map function, like the map management, the view enlarge, the reduction, roaming, the eagle-eyed function,the attribute information and the spatial information inquiry, the special chart and so on. Consequently It will satisfy well water quality management, appraisal, trend analysis, achievement statistics demands and so on.
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