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  • 英文篇名:Spatial and Temporal Differences and Equity of Carbon Emissions in Farmland Ecosystems in China
  • 作者:刘欣铭 ; 孙丽 ; 王康 ; 刘启龙 ; 周嘉
  • 英文作者:LIU Xin-ming;SUN Li;WANG Kang;LIU Qi-long;ZHOU Jia;School of Geographical Science,Harbin Normal University;
  • 关键词:农田生态系统 ; 碳排放 ; 碳吸收 ; 公平性
  • 英文关键词:farmland ecosystem;;carbon emissions;;carbon absorption;;equity
  • 中文刊名:湖南师范大学自然科学学报
  • 英文刊名:Journal of Natural Science of Hunan Normal University
  • 机构:哈尔滨师范大学地理科学学院;
  • 出版日期:2019-04-23 14:22
  • 出版单位:湖南师范大学自然科学学报
  • 年:2019
  • 期:02
  • 基金:黑龙江省自然科学基金资助项目(D2018002);; 2016年哈尔滨市应用技术研究与开发资助项目(2016RAXXJ037);; 2017年黑龙江省哲学社会科学研究规划资助项目(17JYE403)
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:27-34
  • 页数:8
  • CN:43-1542/N
  • ISSN:2096-5281
  • 分类号:S181
近些年全球变暖的情况愈演愈烈气候变化成为了全世界普遍关注的问题,本研究利用2003—2016年我国31个省(市、区)农田生态系统碳排放量、碳吸收量数据,分析了碳排放总量、省域碳排放强度、人均、地均碳排放量的时空变化,从生态承载力系数、经济贡献系数两个方面,分析了各省域间农田生态系统碳排放的公平性。研究结果表明:①2003—2016年我国农田生态系统碳排放并没有得到很好的控制,碳排放量大的地区已经由中南、西南、华北地区逐步蔓延到了西北、东北地区。②从碳排放强度角度分析,我国农田生态系统GDP增加速度大于碳排放量的增加速度,说明我国经济的快速增长并未引起农田生态系统CO2的大量排放;从人均碳排放量来看,由2003年的1.63 t/人增加到2016年的2.21 t/人,其中增长较快的地区主要集中在东北地区和西北地区;增长量最大的新疆,增长了99.34 kg/人,上海市出现了减少现象,人均碳排放减少了11.17 kg/人;从地均碳排放来看,由2003年的1.95 kg/m2增加到2016年的2.43 kg/m2,呈现下降趋势的只有北京、上海两市,研究区内其他29个省(市、区)的农田生态统地均碳排放均呈上升趋势,其中增长量最大的广东省,增加了45.55 g/m2;③我国西南和东北地区生态承载系数相对其它地区较高,研究区的经济贡献系数在0.230~16.752之间,基于2016年生态承载系数和经济贡献系数之间存在差异,将我国31个省(市、区)可以分为3种类型:北京等4市5省1区属于"高—低"型地区;吉林等4省1区属于"低—高"型地区;河北等13个省3区属于"低—低"型地区。
        In recent years,global warming has become more and more serious,and climate change has become a worldwide concern. Based on the data of carbon emissions and carbon absorption of farmland ecosystems in31 provinces(cities and districts) in China from 2003 to 2016,in this work,the total amount of carbon emissions,intensity of carbon emissions,per land and per capita carbon emissions are analyzed. Temporal and spatial variations in carbon emissions from farmland ecosystems in different provinces were analyzed from the aspects of ecological carrying capacity coefficient and economic contribution coefficient. Our main conclusions are as follows.(1)Carbon emissions from farmland ecosystems in China were not well controlled from 2003 to 2016,and the areas with large carbon emissions were mainly from central,south-west and north China to the northwest and northeast China.(2) From the viewpoint of the carbon emission intensity,the growth rate of farmland ecosystem GDP in China is faster than that of carbon emissions,indicating that the rapid economic growth in China has not caused a large amount of CO2 emissions from the farmland ecosystem. Compared to the per capita carbon emissions in 2003 and2016,the per capita carbon emissions of other provinces(cities and regions) showed an increasing trend,except Shanghai and other six provinces(cities) whose per capita carbon emissions was decreased. The fastest-growing regions were mainly in the northeast and northwest regions. From the per land carbon emissions point of view,the carbon emissions in Beijing and Shanghai were both the same,and showed a downward trend. The other 29 provinces(cities,districts) in the studied area exhibited an upward trend of carbon emissions in the farmland ecosystem,among which Guangdong provive ranks the first with and increase of 45.55 g/m2.(3) Based on the differences between ecological carrying capacity coefficient and economic contribution coefficient in 2016,31 provinces(cities,districts) in China can be divided into three types. Beijing,four other cities,five provinces and one District belong to the"high-low"type; Areas such as Jilin,four other provinces,and one region are the"low-high"; Hebei,other 13 provinces,and three remaining regions can be categorized as the "low-low"type.
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