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  • 英文篇名:Early-warning Technical Methods of the Resources and Environment Carrying Capacity in Southern Mountainous Region: A Case Study of Fujian Province
  • 作者:王佳韡 ; 伍世代 ; 王强 ; 曾月娥 ; 林宝民 ; 伍博炜
  • 英文作者:Wang Jiawei;Wu Shidai;Wang Qiang;Zeng Yue'e;Lin Baomin;Wu Bowei;School of Geographical Sciences, Fujian Normal University;School of Tourism Sciences,Fujian Normal University;College of Resource and Environmental Science,Quanzhou Normal University;Faculty of Geographical Science,Beijing Normal University;
  • 关键词:资源环境承载能力 ; 监测预警 ; 山地丘陵区 ; 福建省
  • 英文关键词:the resources and environment carrying capacity;;the early-warning technical methods;;mountainous region;;Fujian Province
  • 中文刊名:地理科学
  • 英文刊名:Scientia Geographica Sinica
  • 机构:福建师范大学地理科学学院;福建师范大学旅游学院;泉州师范学院资源与环境科学学院;北京师范大学地理科学学部;
  • 出版日期:2019-05-31 13:09
  • 出版单位:地理科学
  • 年:2019
  • 期:05
  • 基金:教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(19YJCZH225);; 国家自然科学基金资助项目(41671126)资助~~
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:145-154
  • 页数:10
  • CN:22-1124/P
  • ISSN:1000-0690
  • 分类号:X24;X830
        Regional early-warning technical methods of the resources and environment carrying capacity are important application for comprehensive and regional geography theories. Under the influence of the scale effects, there are obvious differences in the controlling factors of resources and environment. The promotion of national technical methods should be combined with regional characteristics to improve. Taking Fujian Province as an example, the article forms a perfect plan for early-warning technical methods of the resources and environment carrying capacity suitable for mountainous hilly areas. The research methods adopted include literature research method, geographic comparison method, GIS spatial analysis, and mathematical model. Summarized the spatial heterogeneity and regional specificity of Fujian Province, that is, there are few mountainous areas and prominent contradictions between man and land in China's developed coastal areas. The research idea of program improvement is that the evaluation technology matches the provincial characteristics, the development threshold is coordinated with the main function, and the division result and the natural differentiation are unified. The conclusions are presented: 1) The characteristic elements of the mountainous hilly area are introduced in the evaluation model. Emphasis is placed on the adjustment of the impact factor scores such as slope, ecological protection red line and flood passage in land resource evaluation, the replacement of water resources assessment methods, and the adjustment of key ecological function zone integration methods. 2) In the case of complex and variable terrain and significant regional differences, it is advisable to replace the isolated point data with data with global coverage as much as possible. It is concentrated in the evaluation data of cultivated land quality used in the main producing areas of agricultural products, and the comprehensive impact index of geological disasters centered on the earthquake disasters.
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